

布莱克威尔学者(本科生 & 毕业)
G. 大卫·科赫纪念基金(本科生)
彭希达人类学与艺术奖学金 (本科)
约翰·E. Oliver Memorial Scholarship in Physical 地理位置 (本科)
理查德·K. 柯克纪念奖学金(本科生)
罗伯特E. 佩斯人类学纪念奖学金(本科)

奖学金名称: 本杰明·莫尔顿奖
Description: This award was established in 1983 to honor Dr. 本·莫尔顿于1983年5月6日退休.  1961年加入国际滑联,1964年被任命为主席. 
开放:  研究生.
选择标准: Award will be considered based on evidence of potential research skills.  Eligible 学生 must have at least one year in residence at the time the award is granted.
How to 应用:  Nominations are referred to the EES 研究生 Affairs Committee.

奖学金名称: 布莱克威尔学者
开放:  GeosciencE学生谁将是 初中, 老年人,或者 研究生.
入选标准:获奖者必须是美国大学毕业生.S. 印第安纳州的公民和居民, must be enrolled full time (minimum of 12 hours per semester) and maintain minimum 3.平均成绩0分,4分.0 scale, must have demonstrated leadership skills and quality of character.
How to 应用:  Nominations are referred to the ee本科生uate Affairs Committee.

奖学金名称: 唐纳德·G·布朗捐赠奖学金
Description: Renewable for a maximum of eight semesters provided academic achievement is maintained.  可用的金额是500美元.00.
开放:  本科
选择标准: Consideration will be given to Indiana State University under研究生s pursuing a major in Geology. 学生 must demonstrate financial need and have applied themselves academically and are sincere in their academic endeavors.
How to 应用: Nominations are referred to the ee本科生uate Affairs Committee comprised of departmental faculty members.

奖学金名称: G. 大卫·科赫纪念基金
开放:  本科
How to 应用:  Nominations are referred to the ee本科生uate Affairs Committee.

奖学金名称: 彭希达人类学与艺术奖学金
Description:  The amount available for this scholarship is $500.00 to be awarded for one recipient as a waiver of fees in the amount of $250.每学期00美元.
开放:   本科
选择标准: 1) Full-time under研究生s pursuing a major in Anthropology.  2)平均成绩不低于3分.2; and 3) Manifest promise or leadership within their chosen discipline.
How to 应用: Nominations are made in early spring by the ee本科生uate Affairs Committee.

奖学金名称: 约翰·E. 奥立弗纪念基金
Description:  This scholarship was endowed by the members of the Oliver family, 他们的朋友, 和博士以前的学生. 约翰•奥利弗. The 约翰•奥利弗 Memorial Scholarship has been in place since 2009. Each year the scholarship is awarded to an under研究生 who specializes in 气候学.
开放:   本科 澳门合法赌场官网学生 气候学
选择标准: Recipient will be a full-time student at Indiana State University and be a talented and high achieving student showing academic promise in the area of physical 地理位置 with preference given to 地理位置 majors specializing in climate.  学生的平均绩点必须达到3分.5对4.0 scale and preference will be made to the candidate with superior academic performance.
How to 应用: Nominations are made in early spring by the ee本科生uate Affairs Committee.

奖学金名称: 麦克斯韦布里顿奖

奖学金名称: 麦克白护身符基金
Description:  The McBeth Talisman is the oldest award for the department being established in 1928 by William Allen McBeth (1855-1924), graduating class of 1895 of Indiana State Normal School and a teacher of 地理位置 and geology at the school from 1897 until 1924. The Talisman is a gold medal bearing the McBeth coat of arms; the first medal was awarded to Loretta A. 1928年的阿尔文.
开放:   本科高级
选择标准: The gold medal will be granted to the graduating senior  who has done the most outstanding work in the fields of geography and geology.
Award Amount: Certificate along with a McBeth family Coat of Arms engraved medal
How to 应用: Nominations are made in early spring by the ee本科生uate Affairs Committee.

奖学金名称: 理查德·K. 柯克纪念奖学金
开放:   本科
 3)由委员会确定的资金需求.S. 公民身份.
How to 应用: Nominations are made in early spring by Geology faculty to the ee本科生uate Affairs Committee.

奖学金名称: 罗伯特·R. 德拉蒙德奖学金
Description:  This scholarship was endowed by the members of the 德拉蒙德 family, 他们的朋友, 和博士以前的学生. 罗伯特·R. 德拉蒙德.  罗伯特·R. 德拉蒙德奖学金从1999年开始设立.  Each year the scholarship is awarded to an under研究生 who plans on teaching 地理位置 or 地球 Science at the middle school or secondary school level.
开放:   本科 学生计划 teaching 地理位置 or 地球 Science at the Middle School or Secondary School level.
选择标准: Recipient will be a sophomore or Junior enrolled full-time at Indiana State University and must be committed to teach 地理位置 or 地球 Science at the Middle school or high School level.  The scholarship will be enacted in the year that the student is a Junior or Senior correspondingly.  学生的平均绩点必须达到3分.0对4.0 scale and preference will be made to the candidate with superior academic performance.  In the event that there are two equally qualified candidates, the student with the greater financial need shall be granted first consideration.
How to 应用: Nominations are made in early spring by the ee本科生uate Affairs Committee.

奖学金名称: 罗伯特E. 佩斯人类学纪念奖学金
Description: Scholarship awards are made on a competitive basis for the academic year, 续期不得超过三年.  The scholarship is provided in the form of a waiver of fees, $500.每学期00美元,总共1000美元.00.  Any portion of the scholarship not used will be mailed in the form of a check from the Controller’s Office.
开放:   本科
选择标准: 1) Must be an anthropology major or specifically plan to be; 2) have a serious interesting a career within anthropology, 平均绩点必须保持在3分以上.在该奖项之前的一个学期或一个学期,成绩不低于0分. 奖项的续期将以上述标准为依据, 并积极参加部门活动.
How to 应用: Submit a transcript for the preceding semester and a letter indicating your professional career goals to the Archaeology & 第四纪研究实验室(c/o博士. 拉塞尔·斯塔福德.

奖学金名称: 斯坦利奖学金
Description: Could involve up to three awards of about $1500.00每.
开放:   本科
选择标准: 1) Enrolled as a student at Indiana State University, 2) are citizens of the U.S. 以及印第安纳州, 在所选的研究领域显示出成功的能力, 4)不使用管制药物和/或烟草, 5)避免参加校际运动, 6)现在或曾经是高中班级前25%的学生, 7)高中毕业后GPA保持在B.
How to 应用: Nominations are referred to the 本科 Affairs Committee comprised of departmental faculty members then forwarded to the College of Arts and Sciences for final award determination.